Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Unboxing: HGUC 1/144 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam (Unicorn Mode)

Recently been addicted to HGUCs and was pretty stoked after getting this one.

The first time i saw the anime, I was saying.. "this must be the most boring Gundam ever!". The colors (or lack there of), the plainness, the stiffness... ughh!

But what do ya know? This Gundam grew on me. Now i say its minimalistic, yet very complicated :)

Lets move on to the contents then.

You will get the manual and 3 plastic bags.

1 A plate - just Dark Gray and Blue, no clear parts

1 B Plate - Main white parts

2 C Plates - Again, same white, usually consist of parts for arms, shoulders and legs

1 D Plate - Same Dark Grey as with the ones in Plate A though ive noticed thee are a bit thicker than the previous ones so its really hard to get a clean cut so be careful.

Polycaps - nothing special here though you'd be left with 3 x #2 pieces here

Clear Parts for the Saber - You will have 4 saber handles for this kit but only 2 Beams for the Saber

And i almost forgot.. the foil sticker. This would go to the eye ( or visor sort of) and the other is for the camera as well just behind the unicorn horn.

Overall: 6 plates of White and Grey awesomeness. Pretty much excited of painting this kit. I think ill snap build this in 1 to 2 hours ( Though unexpectedly took me 3 hrs along with trimming of excess nubs)

Will post the snap built unicorn in a bit with my nab thoughts as well :)

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